In the UK, only "IBSA" International Bible Students Association (setup in 1914 as the UK arm of Watchtower) is legally registered to store your data. Here's the UK government listing for IBSA:
Interesting what they publish (don't hide) that they hold on individuals: (extracts from above link)
- We process information relevant to the above reasons/purposes. This may include:
- lifestyle and social circumstances
- education and employment details
- visual images, personal appearance and behaviour
...and they even boldly admit:
We also process sensitive classes of information that may include:- physical or mental health details
- religious or other beliefs of a similar nature
- offences and alleged offences
- criminal proceedings, outcomes and sentences
...and they already admit that they share that with basically whoever they like:
Where necessary or required we share information with:- family, associates or representatives of the person whose personal data we are processing
- current, past and prospective employers
- healthcare, social and welfare organisations
- providers of goods and services
- educator and examining bodies
- employment and recruitment agencies
- survey and research organisations
- business associates and professional advisers
- local and central government
- other companies in the same group as the data controller
- other voluntary and charitable organisations
Can you imagine what dark data-world they'll now create once they get everyone to sign their new GDPR forms?